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of language)


    quetil (tongue, talk), lambë (tongue). The latter was "the usual word, in non-technical use, for 'language'." (WJ:394) Only the Loremasters used the technical term tengwesta "system or code of signs" instead; this word is also glossed "grammar". Notice that lambë is also used for "dialect" (VT39:15). LANGUAGE (as an abstract, the ability to speak or the "art" of making speech) tengwestië. LANGUAGE with especial reference to phonology: Lambelë. LANGUAGE OF THE VALAR Lambë Valarinwa (lit. *"Valarin language"), LANGUAGE OF THE ELDAR Eldarissa (the latter may not be a valid word in LotR-style Quenya), LANGUAGE OF THE HANDS mátengwië –KWET/VT45:25, WJ:394, 397, VT39:15, LT2:339, VT47:9

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > LANGUAGE

  • 2 TONGUE

    (physical tongue:) lamba, (language:) lambë, quetil (the latter also = "talk" or "language"). (In LT2:339, it is said that lambë covers both "physical tongue" and "speech", but Tolkien later thought better of that. WJ:394 states that in non-technical use, lambë was the normal word for "language"; only the Loremasters used the technical term tengwesta instead.) LOREMASTER OF TONGUES \#Lambengolmo (only pl Lambengolmor is attested, in VT48:6 also translated "linguistic loremasters"). USE TONGUE, see TALK. –LAB/LotR:1157/WJ:394, 396, KWET/VT45:25, VT48:6

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > TONGUE


    – Tolkien notes that the word lambë "tongue" was originally "nearer to our 'dialect' than to 'language', but later when the Eldar became aware of other tongues, not intelligible without study, lambe naturally became applied to the separate languages of any people or region" (WJ:394). Thus, lambë can hardly be used for "dialect" in Exilic Quenya. Cf. also VT39:15, where lambë is said to mean "the language or dialect of a particular or people".

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > DIALECT

  • 4 THAT

    (1) (demonstrative): tana (an adjectival word, VT49:11; in one version of the language also tanya, as in tanya wendë "that maiden", MC:215-16). Also yana with meaning “the former” (e.g. *loa yana “that year” referring to a former year). Adj. OF THAT SORT taitë; IN THAT WAY tanen; THAT MATTER tama. Also see THIS regarding the word talumë “at this [or, that] time”. –TA, YA, VT49:11, 18 (2) (pronoun) ta, also translated “it”. (Notice that in some versions of the language, Tolkien wanted ta to be a plural pronoun “they, them” used of non-living things. See the various entries on ta in the Quenya-English wordlist.) Sa, normally translated “it”, is also defined as “that” in one source. IT IS THAT náto, IT IS NOT THAT uito. –VT49:11, TA, VT49:18, 28 (3) (relative pronoun "who
    , which, that"). According to VT47:21, the relative pronoun is ye with reference to a person (*i Elda ye tirnen "the Elf who/that I watched"), plural i (e.g. *Eldar i... "Elves that..."). The impersonal relative pronoun ("that = which") is ya (e.g. *i parma ya hirnen "the book that/which I found"), pl. presumably *yar (*i parmar yar... "the books that..."). This gives a system with great symmetry, but Tolkien also used i in a singular sense, in the sentence i Eru i or ilyë mahalmar ëa "the One who is [or, that is] above all thrones", though i is indeed plural in i carir quettar ómainen "those who [or, those that] form words with voices". A relative pronoun ya *"which" is found in the "Arctic" sentence; a long variant yá also occurs in the corpus (VT43:27-28). Case-forms: The plural locative of ya is attested as yassen "in which" in Nam (sg. *yassë), the genitive and ablative forms of ye are attested as yëo and yello respectively in VT47:21, and the same source gives ion and illon as the corresponding plural forms. –VT47:21, WJ:391, UT:305, 317, Arct
    (4) (conjunction, as in "I know that you are here") i, cf. the sentence savin Elessar ar i nánë aran Ondórëo “I believe Elessar really existed and that he was a king of Gondor” (VT49:27). In one version of early “Qenya”, this conjunction appeared as ne instead (PE14:54).

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > THAT

  • 5 VALIAN

    valarinwa, attested in Lambë Valarinwa "the language of the Valar, *Valian Language". Cf. also valaina "of the Valar, belonging to the Valar" (divine) –WJ:395, BAL

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > VALIAN


    camta- (sic; the cluster mt seems unusual for Quenya, and while the source does not explicitly say that this word is Quenya, it is difficult to understand what other language could be intended) (to [make] fit, suit, adapt) –VT44:14

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > ACCOMODATE

  • 7 ADAPT

    camta- (sic; the cluster mt seems unusual for Quenya; while the source does not explicitly say that this word is Quenya, it is difficult to understand what other language could be intended) (to [make] fit, suit, accomodate) –VT44:14

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > ADAPT

  • 8 BE ABLE

    (and the English present tense can) is expressed by various verbs: pol- (to be physically able), lerta- (be free to do, there being no restraint, physical or other), ista- (know how to; pa.t. sintë), hence e.g. polin quetë “I can speak” (because mouth and tongue are free), lertan quetë "I can/may speak” (because I am free to do so, there being no obstacle of promise, secrecy, or duty), istan quetë “I can/know how to speak” (I have learnt language). Where the absence of a physical restraint is considered, the verb lerta- can be used in much the same sense as pol- (VT41:6). Another way of expressing “can” involves the verb ec-, and what would be the subject in English appears in the dative case instead: Ecë nin carë sa, “I can do it” (it is possible for me to do it), ecuva nin carë sa “I may do that” (in the future). –VT49:20, 34

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BE ABLE


    Hecelmar, Heceldamar (lit. *"home of the Eglath", q.v.) This is said to be the name for Beleriand used "in the language of the loremasters of Aman". The cognate of Sindarin "Beleriand" is \#Valariandë; only the form Valarianden is attested (a genitive formation from an earlier "Qenya" variant; in LotR-style Quenya it would be a dative). The latter may be the name used in Exilic Quenya. Beleriand was also called Ingolondë "Land of the Gnomes [Noldor]". –WJ:365, LR:202, ÑGOLOD

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BELERIAND

  • 10 BOOK

    parma (writings), also attested with suffixes: parmastanna “upon [-nna] your [-sta, dual] book”. BOOK LANGUAGE (=Quenya) parmalambë; *BOOK-FAIR \#parma-resta (attested with suffixes: parma-restalyanna *”upon your book-fair”; see FAIR \#2 for further discussion). –PAR/UT:219, 460, LT2:346, VT49:39, 47

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BOOK

  • 11 ELF

    quendë (a technical, generic term, seldom used in the sg; pl Quendi is the usual form; there are gender-specific forms quendu m. and quendi f., but they seem to be rare; pl. forms quendur, quendir are attested), Elda (originally generic, but later [MET] used of Elves of the Three Kindreds [Noldor, Vanyar, Teleri] only. That was at least the proper usage: Elda was the normal word for "elf" in Valinor, since all Elves there were Eldar, and quendë became a word of lore. An archaic variant of Elda was Eldo.) With generic reference, the pl. Eldar has no article and is used to eman “Elves, The Elves, All Elves”; i Eldar with the article means “the Elves” with reference to some particular individuals previously mentioned. The partitive plural Eldali “Elves, some Elves” is also attested (VT49:8). ELVES OF AMAN Amanyar (sg \#Amanya), ELVES WHO REFUSED TO JOIN IN THE WESTWARD MARCH (from Cuiviénen) Avari (sg Avar in WJ:371, VT47:13, 24; Avar or Avaro in Etym), also called Avamanyar "those who did not go to Aman, because they would not" (distinguish Úmanyar, Úamanyar, Alamanyar "those who did not in the event reach Aman", though they did join in the march from Cuiviénen; these are also called Heceldi or Ecelli, see EGLATH). See also DARK ELVES, GREEN-ELVES, GREY-ELVES, HIGH-ELVES, LIGHT-ELVES, SEA-ELVES, LITTLE ELF. Cf. also ELVENHOME Eldamar, Elendë. ELF-PEOPLE Eldalië, ELVISH Eldarinwa (adj only, pl. Eldarinwë attested in VT47:14; but "Elvish" meaning Elvish language is simply Eldarin. Properly, these words for "Elvish" apply to the Tree Kindreds only, not to all the Quendi.) Quenderin ("Elvish" referring to all the Quendi, "Quendian"; this remained a learned word) –WJ:361/KWEN(ED), MR:229 ELED, Silm:424, AB/WJ:371/Silm:65/MR:163, WJ:363, Silm:23/392, MR:415, WJ:407

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > ELF

  • 12 FIT

    (adj.) mára (useful, good); TO (MAKE) FIT camta- (sic; the cluster mt seems unusual for Quenya, but while the source does not explicitly say that this word is Quenya, it is difficult to understand what other language could be intended) (suit, accomodate, adapt) –MAG, VT44:14

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > FIT

  • 13 GNOME

    (only = wise one, Noldo) Noldo (spelt Ngoldo [Ñoldo] in Tengwar writing, reflecting the earlier pronounciation); pl. Noldor is attested. GNOMISH (general adjective:) Noldorinwa, (Gnomish language:) Noldorin, GNOME-LAND Noldomar –LT1:262, Silm:61, LotR:1157, VT39:16

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > GNOME

  • 14 GO

    lelya- or lenna- (pa.t. lendë in both cases; the printed Etymologies gives "linna" instad of lenna-, but according to VT45:27 this is a misreading) (proceed, travel); \#men- (attested in the aorist: menë "goes"), vanya- (pa.t. vannë) (depart, disappear – it may be that Tolkien abandoned the verb vanya-, if it is regarded as the conceptual predecessor of auta-, see GO AWAY below), GO ROUND pel- (revolve, return; the Silmarillion Appendix also mentions “encircle” as a meaning of the root PEL, cf. also “Qenya” pele- “surround, fence in, pen in”; pa.t. pellë given, QL:73). GO OVER, see CROSS. GO ATHWART tara- (cross); GO AWAY auta- (leave, pass); pa.t. oantë, perf. oantië (in the physical sense "went away [to another place]", vánë ("the most frequently used past [tense]" – less "physical" than oantë, rather meaning to be lost or to disappear), also anwë (this pa.t. was "only found in archaic language"), perf. avánië (pl. avánier is attested); perf. vánië with no augment may occur in verse. GO FORTH TOWARDS (with the thing approached as direct object) tenta-, pa.t. tentanë (the verb can also mean “direct toward” or “be directed toward”, in the intransitive tense apparently with the pa.t. tenantë). CAUSE TO GO (in a desired direction) menta- (send), GONE vanwa (departed, vanished, dead, lost, past and over, no longer to be had) BE GONE! heca! – also with pronominal affixes: sg hecat, pl hecal "you be gone!" (stand aside!) LET GO lerya- (release, set free), sen- (let loose, free) –WJ:363, LED/VT45:27, VT47:11, 30, PEL, LT2:347, WAN, Nam, WJ:364, VT41:5, VT49:23, WJ:366, VT41:5, VT43:18

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > GO

  • 15 GREY

    \#mista (isolated from lassemista "leaf-grey"), also hiswa, but the most usual word for "grey" may be sindë (stem *sindi-) (Þ) or sinda (Þ). (WJ has sindë "pale or silvery grey", wheras sinda is given in Silm:438; cf. also sindanoriello "from a grey land", Sindacollo "Grey-cloak" and Sindar "Grey-Elves, *Grey Ones".)GREY-ELVES Sindar (Þ) (sg. Sinda), less commonly Sindeldi (sg Sindel); GREY-CLOAK Sindacollo, Singollo (Þ) (so in Silm:421; MR:217 has Sindicollo, presupposing sindë, sindi- as the word for "grey"); GREY-ELVEN sindarinwa (adj), Sindarin (= Grey-Elven language) (Þ) –LotR:505 cf. Letters:224, KHIS, LotR:1171, Silm:438, THIN/WJ:384, Nam, Silm:419, WJ:384, LotR:1157, 1161

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > GREY

  • 16 HAND

    má (pl. allative mannar "into...hands" is attested in FS; the long á evidently becomes short a before a consonant cluster).The plural of má is máli, the dual is mát (VT47:6). For maqua as a colloquial term for "hand", and its secondary meanings, see separate entry HAND-FULL. The term palta is used of "the flat of the hand, the hand held upwards or forwards, flat and tensed (with fingers and thumb closed or spread" (VT47:9). Individual hand-names: forma "right hand", hyarma "left hand" (VT47:6, VT49:12). Other terms for "hand": nonda (said to mean "hand, especially in [?clutching]"; Tolkien's gloss was not certainly legible, VT47:23), quárë (this is properly "fist", but was often used for "hand" – see FIST); HOLLOW OF HAND cambë (also used simply = “hand”, as in cambeya “his hand”, VT49:17). A variant of this, camba, is in VT47:7 defined as "the whole hand, but as flexed, with fingers more or less closed, cupped, in the attitude of receiving or holding". HAND-LINK, see WRIST. Adj. HAVING HANDS mavoitë; HANDY, HANDED maitë (stem *maiti-) (skilled) (pl. maisi. When maitë is the final element of names, it is translated "handed" instead of "handy", e.g. Angamaitë "Iron-handed", morimaitë "blackhanded") For other "handed"-related terms, see HEAVYHAND(ED). Compound LANGUAGE OF THE HANDS mátengwië –MA3/LT2:339/VT39:10, FS, VT47:6, 9, 23, KWAR/Silm:429, KAB, LotR:1085 cf. Letters:425, LotR:1015/SD:68, 72, UT:460, VT47:9

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > HAND

  • 17 HAND-FULL

    maqua (dual maquat is attested). Colloquially, the word maqua is also used for the "hand" itself (called má in formal language); maqua may refer to the "complete hand with all five fingers", and the word is therefore also used for a group of 5 similar things (just like the dual maquat may refer to a group of 10 similar things; see FIVE, TEN). –VT47:7

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > HAND-FULL

  • 18 MAKE

    \#car- (1st pers. aorist carin "I make, build". The same verb is translated "form" in WJ:391: i carir quettar, "those who form words". According to Etym the past tense is carnë, though FS and SD:246 have cárë. Past participle \#carna *"made" is attested in Vincarna *"newly-made" in MR:305; the longer participial form carina occurs in VT43:15, read probably *cárina with a long vowel to go with such late participial forms like rácina "broken"). MAKING carmë (glossed "art" in UT:396 and is also translated "production", but cf. the following:) NAME-MAKING Essecarmë (an Eldarin seremony in which the father of a child announces its name.) MAKE FAST avalerya- (bind, restrain, deprive of liberty). TO (MAKE) FIT camta- (sic; the cluster mt seems unusual for Quenya, and while the source does not explicitly say that this word is Quenya, it is difficult to understand what other language could be intended) (suit, accomodate, adapt). MAKE FOR IT mína- (desire to go in some direction, to wish to go to a place, have some end in view). –KAR, WJ:391, MR:214, VT41:5, 6, VT44:14, VT39:11

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > MAKE

  • 19 MIDDLE

    (noun) endë (core, centre); MIDDLE (prob. adj) enya, endya (In Noldorin Quenya, enya would be the natural form – endya looks like Vanyarin Quenya. Cf. the name of the language itself in the two dialects, Quenya vs. Quendya.) MIDDLE-DAY \#enderë (only pl enderi is attested; for sg \#enderë cf. yestarë, mettarë, the first and the last day of the year. The "middle-days" were three days inserted between the months of yávië and quellë in the Calendar of Imladris.) MIDDLE FINGER lependë, lepenel, in children's play also called tolyo or tollo ("sticker-up", also used of middle toe), yonyo ("son, big boy", again used of middle toe as well) or hanno ("brother"). –ÉNED, cf. WJ:361, LotR:1142, VT47:10, VT47:12, 14, VT48:6

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > MIDDLE

  • 20 NO

    ui, possibly with uito as an emphatic variant (VT49:28-29), lá (also meaning "not)". Ui (uito) and lá are probably used to deny facts, or what others present as facts. In a context of refusal, the interjection vá is to be preferred. It is derived from a stem that "expressed refusal to do what others might wish or urge, or prohibition of some action by others”. Cf also lala, lau, laumë "no, no indeed not, on the contrary; also used for asking incredulous questions". Prefixes "no-, un-": ú-, il-. SAY NO váquet- (forbid, refuse) (1st pers. sg aorist and past váquetin, váquenten are given), ava- (refuse) (pa.t. avanë is given; this verb was "little used in ordinary language". Other forms occur in VT49:13, all with the ending -n “I”: Aorist avan, present ávan or ávëan, future avuvan > auvan, past avanen or aunen, perfect avávien. In one version, the forms ávëan and avanen are marked as poetic or archaic.) –LA, WJ:371 cf. 370, GŪ/UGU/VT46:20, WJ:370, KWET

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > NO

См. также в других словарях:

  • Language education — Language Teaching redirects here. For the journal, see Language Teaching (journal). Linguistics …   Wikipedia

  • Language attrition — is the loss of a first or second language or a portion of that language by individuals; it should be distinguished from language loss within a community (the latter process is referred to as language shift or language death). Language attrition… …   Wikipedia

  • Language revitalization — is the attempt by interested parties, including individuals, cultural or community groups, governments, or political authorities, to recover the spoken use of a language that is endangered, moribund, or no longer spoken. Language death is the… …   Wikipedia

  • Language immersion — is a method of teaching a second language (also called L2, or the target language). Unlike a more traditional language course, where the target language is simply the subject material, language immersion uses the target language as a teaching… …   Wikipedia

  • Language contact — occurs when two or more languages or varieties interact. The study of language contact is called contact linguistics. Multilingualism has likely been common throughout much of human history, and today most people in the world are multilingual.[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Language module — refers to a hypothesized structure in the human brain (anatomical module) or cognitive system (functional module) that some psycholinguists (e.g., Steven Pinker) claim contains innate capacities for language. According to Jerry Fodor the sine qua …   Wikipedia

  • Language secessionism — or linguistic secessionism is an attitude consisting in separating a language variety from the language to which it normally belongs, in order to make this variety considered as a distinct language. This phenomenon was first analyzed by Catalan… …   Wikipedia

  • language — lan‧guage [ˈlæŋgwɪdʒ] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] a system of speaking and writing used by people in one country or area: • the French language • Do you speak any foreign languages? • Trading in Europe means communicating in more than one… …   Financial and business terms

  • Language transfer — (also known as L1 interference, linguistic interference, and crossmeaning) refers to speakers or writers applying knowledge from their native language to a second language. It is most commonly discussed in the context of English language learning …   Wikipedia

  • Language delay — is a failure to develop language abilities on the usual developmental timetable. Language delay is distinct from speech delay, in which the speech mechanism itself is the focus of delay. Thus, language delay refers specifically to a delay in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Language shift — Language shift, sometimes referred to as language transfer or language replacement or assimilation, is the progressive process whereby a speech community of a language shifts to speaking another language. The rate of assimilation is the… …   Wikipedia

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